01 (Curiosity, collaboration, quality)
Since our founding in 2009, we’ve been on a journey of exploration and growth which has led us to increasingly value the people, places, products, and relationships that bring meaning and joy to our work. We are an independently owned and operated team of around forty baristas, bakers, roasters, and coffee professionals.

02 (Community-minded coffee)
At our three Sioux Falls cafes our team of talented baristas can be found dialing in espresso, debating brew recipes, creating new drinks, and connecting with customers. At our roasting lab we may be analyzing roast curves, discussing fresh samples on the cupping table, or experimenting with new brewing equipment. Our bakery is busy every morning producing an exciting variety of pastries for our cafes, and our warehouse team is always working hard to keep things moving. Together, we create something we think is pretty special and worth sharing.

03 (Mindful Production)
Before any of that happens, it’s the coffee producers, who we are proud to call partners, who make it all possible. Their dedication and excellence in producing coffees that far exceed “good enough” is what allows us to roast and serve coffees full of flavor and complexity. Our goal is to honor their work by allowing their coffees to shine; to appreciate the seasonality of coffee and the uniqueness of each origin, process, and terroir.
Whether you are a cafe regular, a subscription member, or wholesale partner, in Sioux Falls, or some other part of the world, we thank you for being a part of what we’re doing - with love for coffee and people.